For those of you not in an early winter deep freeze, take some time to capture the brilliant colors of fall with your camera. (Remember the best camera is the one you have with you.)

1. Shoot from afar and close-up:
It’s a good idea to let people know where they are by shooting some pictures from afar. The best time is early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

2. Wet leaves have deeper, richer colors:
Shoot them for close-up detail. Unfortunately, I’m still waiting for rain here in Northern California. We’re suffering from a severe drought, but hopefully rain will come tonight. In the meantime, I found some wild turkeys on the lawn at the senior center drinking from the well watered lawn.

3. Shoot toward partial sun coming through the trees:
Unfortunately, cloud cover in my area since Sunday at the right times for shooting has made that impossible. I’m dreaming of rain tonight and sun coming through the trees tomorrow. (Sometimes it takes days to get the light you want.)
The founder of Kodak, George Eastman said, “Light makes Photography–know it for all you are worth and you will know the key to photography.”
Stop back on Friday, Nov. 21st to see if the rain and the sun appeared and I got some shots to illustrate 2 & 3 above.
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Copyright © M. Hutchison, 2014
Delightful and a great way to extend Fall…..