Sometime between 15,000 and 10,000 B.C., visual communication of ideas and personal artistic expression began to show up on cave walls in Spain and France.
Ant Stencil Graffiti, 2000
“Graffiti comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.” Unknown
Berkeley Graffiti, 1992
L.A. Billboard and Graffiti Wall, 1990
L.A. Graffiti, 1996?
Neighborhood Graffiti, L.A., 1993
Neighborhood Graffiti, L.A., 1993
Neighborhood Graffiti L.A. 1992
L.A. Graffiti Wall and Man
Political Bill on San Francisco Wall, 2008
L.A., 1991
L.A. Graffiti, 1992
L.A. Melrose Ave., 1989
L.A. 1993
The mural tradition continues today throughout the world.
Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, 1986
Below is my billboard and mural slideshow mostly of Los Angeles.
Public message billboards like those below have been around since Pompeii where almost every wall had a message calling citizens to action or expressing public views.